
Feb 6, 2009
Reaction score
Hi FM-Base, long time :)

After a very long break from FM I saw that Epic Games has FM20 for free :) I decided to pick it up and give this years version a go!
Not sure if the old guard are still here but I look forward to being part of the community again, albeit not as involved as I was.

I am wanting to get some nice simple club logo's, kits and DB updates (hopefully someone has done the latest transfer updates recently to include the likes of Fabio Silva at Wolves, Reguillon at Spurs etc)

Not too sure where to go and find the best on the base as its format has changed substantially since I left so any links, suggestions would be welcomed!

Long time no see mate :)

I guess its the same as on Steam with the Epic store in terms of DB updates etc. FMIniside is the updates that I use myself: https://twitter.com/fminside
Raikan007....Good to have you back. Its all changed since I've been back at it as well.


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Now there's a name I haven't heard in a long time, welcome back @Raikan007 ?
thanks gents, yes been AGES, like 8 years at least! the game has changed since Fm12 yoh :) but enjoying learning it again, especially the team dynamics and players roles
flip, are footballers really that pathetic and needy as they are in this game? they moan about everything and always have something to say... my own project team is nowhere close to difficult as managing my Man Utd squad LOL :)

Working on a new tactic at the moment (well 2)
Hi Raikan,

This will sound very random but will be so pleased if you can help. I just dug out my FM11 and remember playing your perfect 4231 AMC tactic. However since I last played it I have changed my computer and no longer have the tactic file. I have tried searching for it online but none of the links work anymore. Please is there any way you can help?