Twitch United - Building From The Ground Up


Staff member
Apr 12, 2009
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Twitch United - Building From The Ground Up



Hello everyone and welcome to my new save. I have created a brand new club, called Twitch United. I have replaced them in the Premier League with Huddersfield Town (Sorry Huddersfield fans!). I have given them a transfer budget of £400M and a wage budget of £2M. That might sound a lot, but between 25 players, that works out around £16M per signing, which isnt much nowadays in the Premier League.

I will be live streaming the journey on Twitch, so feel free to stop by and join me. As I are building a club from scratch, I will be looking for player and tactic suggestions from the viewers as we go along. My Twitch link is if you would like to join in. I will also be posting short updates on here for those who can't, so you can keep up with the story. My first stream will be on Monday or Tuesday, and I will post here when I am live.

I have started the save on 1st January 2018, to give myself 6 months to find players and build my squad, rather than 1 month and missing out on a whole pre-season.

Below is our starting budgets:



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Watched the stream. Good well put together would love some cheeky update/summaries on here as well if i dont have time to watch. I may try this myself!
Watched the stream. Good well put together would love some cheeky update/summaries on here as well if i dont have time to watch. I may try this myself!

Thank you :) I will be updating the threat too. Just didnt get time last night. Will do an update this evening.
Nice, next stream? Jamal Lewis, some of the Celtic rangers players are home grown classed as my two cents.Tom Davies.

Also how did you set it so far back if i was to do my own one of these?
Nice, next stream? Jamal Lewis, some of the Celtic rangers players are home grown classed as my two cents.Tom Davies.

Also how did you set it so far back if i was to do my own one of these?

Im debating whether or not to do on in about 30 minutes. Heat dependant lol. And yes I am gonna get Lewis. Forgot about his yesterday but he is a great player!

I set it as 1/1/2018. Its one of the options from the Brazilian leagues.
Antonio Marin as well, thanks for the heads up on how to do it!
Worth taking a punt on any of the Ajax players? I doubt you would get the CB as he gets snaffled up by someone every save but a few of the MC's