Recent content by John Fleming

  1. J

    ME highlights

    For those who have had the great pleasure of playing the game already, what setting do you find best to watch the match? I usually use extended but does this ME require more than that?
  2. J

    How to retire online player with password on team?

    Hi, how do I retire a player who has a password on his team?
  3. J

    How to delete player with password on team

    Hi, how do you retire a player from online game if they have a password on their team?
  4. J

    Online game needs players!!!

    Players needed! Game is played on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday evenings 7-11pm. English premiership. Game will resume on Sunday. Currently in mid-January of 1st season.
  5. J

    New online game

    Looking for players who are willing to commit to a game that takes place on a Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday 7-11pm. Only want people who will show up each night even if their team is not doing so well. Will play English Premiership. Came across too many people lately who join online game and quit...
  6. J

    Players needed for online prem game

    Game is in November of the 1st season. Looking to add to the current group of guys playing. Game has good banter and an extra few players will hopefully help make it even better. Game plays on Tuesday, Thursday and sunday 7-11pm so it is not overplayed. Although it only runs 3 nights per week...
  7. J

    New game starting this Sunday

    Starting a new online game this sunday. Still to decide whether 2 use LFC Marshall update or not. Looking to play...
  8. J


    New game just started. Looking for players who r not too impatient and are willing to stick at the game even when times are hard. Add me on steam and you can have a look at our group page and see if this game is for you. Steam name is: grumpyrabbit
  9. J

    New Online Game!!

    Wana start an online game at 7pm. Add me if interested. Steam name: grumpyrabbit
  10. J

    EPL game

    Looking to get Premiership game under way.Dont want the game to be rushed so there should be enough time for transfers and during the match there will be key highlights to better judge your team/players performances. once there are 1 or 2 players we can arrange to meet in steam chat to arrange...
  11. J

    Hosting online game query

    Hi, what internet download and upload speeds are needed in order to host a successful online game?
  12. J

    New game looking to start this weekend

    Looking to start a game this weekend that will take place at the weekends and 1 or 2 nights during the week. During the week will only be for a couple of hours each time probably 7pm-9pm UK time with the bulk of game time at the weekend. This is because i am at uni during the week and also have...
  13. J

    Trouble with game. Help please!

    Hi, i picked my usual team to play a game but when it went to the line ups screen it wont allow me to press the "continue to pre-match analysis" button. It is just greyed out. Any ideas what i can do?
  14. J

    hosting online game

    Is it possible to start an online game as host then someone else be able to take over as host at a later date with the same save game?
  15. J

    Hosting game

    Is it possible to start an online game as host then someone else be able to take over as host at a later date with the same save game?