Recent content by TOTALMANAGER

  1. T

    What are the dimensions of facepacks?

    I have an idea for a face pack, the only thing I need to do is find the dimensions that they have to be, anybody know?
  2. T

    The Scandinavia Challenge

    Basically this challenge is simple, yet hardly anyone will do it so I will set other mini challenges also, and then make a hall of fame for the people who complete the main challenge and the mini ones. Basically, in this challenge all you have to do is take a team from 3 of the main footballing...
  3. T

    The Power Of Money

    This challenge is to see what you can do with money. Most of the challenges are hard and take effort and are sometimes fun. With this challenge it is all fun! What you have to do, you have to take a team in a rich financial position with a media prediction of outside the top 3 to league and...
  4. T

    The Revival Challenge!

    Basically, what this challenge is to get a team, e.g. AFC Ajax or Sampdoria, back to there former glory! So, going back to the days when Van Basten and co dominated Europe or when Nottingham Forest lifted the european cup! The guidelines of this challenge are as follows: You can go about it in 3...
  5. T

    Free players on 11.3 update?

    Please if you have any good free's on the new update post them here (H)