Fifa 12 - Goal of the Month - Movember

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Keyboard Warrior
Dec 3, 2009
Reaction score
Urm, yeah, basically the same as last months. :) But with a bit of a twist.

If you can score it with a player with a moustache, you get extra sexy bonus points.. from me.. Really, they don't mean anything...

What happens is, everyone is allowed to upload up to 3 goals, scored by themselves obviously. You are able to submit three, and then retract one if you score a better one. Once the submission date is reached, I will request a bout 5 people's 'Top 10's, so I can them determine the best 10 goals, and will then put them up for public vote, with the winner getting.. well.. nothing, it's just for fun.. and pride!

I need people to actually send me some picks, or I have to chose them all, and I might not like goals other people like.. uno..


Submission date end: Sunday, 27th Movember. 6 pm UK time.

The voting thread for last month is just being done by me now. :) So you will have to wait a hour or so for me to look through every video. :)
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Two-thirds of the way through the month and just 3 entries? FM-Base, I am disappoint.
**** it. May aswell take you.

Will chuck up voting and new thread and **** tomorrow
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