Jun 8, 2014
Reaction score
Started a Southampton save otherday but just can't get into it.

So loaded a new save up with Rotherham. Im using the LFCMarshall update so im in the Championship.

Expectations - To finish Mid Table. I have 2.5m transfer kitty. so im bargin hunting.
Also got a few players on the transfer list which could bring me in over 1m or so.

Been looking at the Scottish market for my players. Any Recomendations?

Need a Finisher that will get me goals.
Also a Ball winning Midfielder.
Could do with strength in all my positions so any recomendations welcome.

Im planning on playing a solid 4-4-2 with a possession based style.

I no the Championship is a hard League to get out of and anybody can beat anybody. Hoping to use this save till the next update is released. Thanks

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If you have the Danish league loaded up have a look at Andre Romer from FC Midtjylland or Adama Guira from SonderjyskE, they're pretty solid BWM's and only cost about £300k-£400k each.