
Dec 5, 2011
Reaction score
I am at my first season for Man Utd and i am thinking of selling RVP after the season ends. He is just not scoring enough goals for a starter but luckily i have rooney and javier hernandez as a backup and he scored more than RVP.

Anyone tried selling RVP? If yes, to which clubs and how much?
i sold him once to barcelona for 45M and to Real for 48,5M, but i guess that PSG can spend alot money too (their contract got rejected both times for me)
Yeah get rid you can get a lot for him and you can bring in someone just as good who's younger.
i sold him at the end of the 2nd season to real for 25m
Never played with United or RvP (And never will), but I'd sell him ASAP. By the start of the 3rd season he has usually declined massively, and you will struggle to get rid of him without waiting for his contract to expire (because of his high wages)
I've been trying to play him with Rooney and there both not playing well. Anyone had any success playing them together? I'm playing 4-4-2.
Yeah I've played that before but I want it so they can play up top together, I dont want to drop Rooney deep into CAM. Worse case scenario is I sell RVP.
CFC fan so never played with Utd.

But you can use Rooney behind RvP as CAM and use him as Inside forward and go to player settings of RvP and set swap position with Rooney, they'll keep swapping positions so it'll get difficult for opposition to mark and it'll also use Rooney's finishing. Or if RvP doesn't succeed and keeps getting injured, sell him and get Lewandowski. Scored 27 goals for me in 41 starts, had to sell him as Lukaku was even more lethal and couldn't keep two WC strikers when I play 1 striker system. (Off topic but Lukaku scored 31 goals for me in 37 starts :D)
Sell him get Lewandowski, watch the goals flood in, for me Lewa has scored 76 goals in two seasons!!!
Sell him get Lewandowski, watch the goals flood in, for me Lewa has scored 76 goals in two seasons!!!

That is indeed what I would do too.
Lewandowski, Cavani, Falcao or Abel Hernandez are all good replacements that are at least as good or better and less injury prone.
I really hate injury prone players in this game. I want to rely on my players to be there atleast 30 of the 38 games in the competition. So I would even sell RVP to buy or a nice AMC and play Rooney as striker or invest in a talented young striker like Benzia or Fierro. Whatever gets me a solid peformance.