Training to develop young players


Jan 25, 2013
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I currently have an enjoyable save on the go with a lot of young players and want to ensure I am giving them the best possible opportunity to develop by playing matches and being tutored. In terms of training, I currently have the overall training set on balanced (average intensity) with the slider one click to the left. Then the individual training is set so that players are training in the desired role with a specific attribute also being worked on and intensity set to heavy.
Does that sound about right or should I also be setting the overall training intensity to heavy? Or is it best off just leaving training to the assistant manager?
That approach should be fine. Just watch for the overall workload being too high - the Medical Centre makes checking that pretty easy. If a player is playing quite frequently, you might want to drop the individual intensity to Average.

Remember the mentoring is for all three key personality traits - Determination, Professionalism, and Ambition. Not just Determination. All three impact player development equally.

Also, you don't have to do individual training based on the role they are playing. You can sometimes train them for a different role, because it targets areas you want them to improve in. For example, I have a 16 year old Danish DM. I want to use him as a DLP, and he already has reasonably high attriburtes for the DLP role. So rather than training him as a DLP and trying to get those attributes higher, I will alternate between a more attacking role and a more defensive one. Some of those target they key DLP attributes anyway, and it should result in a more rounded player.
I often do what Big papa recommends as well, especially between say 15-18 yrs old. I tend to set position training on a more 'general' position, so strikers probably as CF as I feel it gives me a more rounded player.

Coupled with tutoring and 'Improve weak foot' PPM they can jump quite quickly in terms of star rating.

By the time they are 18 I can see a clearer picture of the type of player they will be.