
Jul 14, 2010
Reaction score
Another Pescara wonderkid ^_^

Name: Gianluca Caprari
Club: Pescara
Nation: Italian
D.O.B: 30.7.1993

**Special note**
My coach (with 20JJA,JJP) gave him 5* rating. The same coach rates Ibra 4.5* ;)



a member serp showed me him a few days ago :) looked him up yesterday when I got the Demo, looks like a good player this one!
I stumbled across this player a few days ago, unfortunately I lack any funds to buy him at the mo.
Yeah, he looks incredible. In my United save the scouts rated him to have the potential to get at least as good as RvP. He's co-owned between Pescara og Roma and in my save their asking price is £17.75m and that's probably just 50% lol.

Pescara are looking good this year when it comes to talents.
Got him for 8 million with Wolves 2nd season.4mil to each team
brought him in on loan to Newcastle as a rotation option, and to cover ACN call ups, and although he hasn't scored for me yet, has put in some outstanding performances, and truly seems to terrify defenses, got a lot of potential, definitely going to be trying to get him on a permanent deal
Bought him on a free after my third season with Villa! he is quality, first season played second fiddle to rodrigo and a lot on the RW...but this season hes banged in 8 in 8 and looking quality!
Future screenshots:

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I found him to be very poor in the first two or three seasons so didn't give him as much playing time as I perhaps could have. He's only just become my first choice forward so he could possibly even turn out a little better than he has for me.

EDIT: Just looked at his injury history and it's quite incredible really, take a look for yourself (remember I'm in the 18/19 season):

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