Need a Asst Manager...any recommendations welcome!

hello guys,

but what are important stats for a assistant manager?

In Lower Leagues, definitely Judging Ability for your team reports. If you're hiring somebody outside of your country's nationality you'll want a decent adaptability rating as well. Man Management is also something to look at, but anything else with high ratings is just bonus in my eyes.
lol in the end i got nowhere with them, half of my staff wouldn't sign a new contract and left, i found an asst man...iain turner i think his name is. The board then went over my head and sold one of my key players so i took the hump and resigned lol. Quickly realised i wasn't going to get another job so i reapplied back to Montrose and they took me back (didn't think they would!) but now they are being difficult and won't let me hire more staff etc, Previously had 6 coaches now i'm only allowed 4!

Lesson learned there! oO)

so you tired to hire those assiant managers and then the rest of staff wouldbt sign new deals. glad you got the job back though i would of waited for another to come up though that depands on how are you in the season.
Yeah now i know not to leave unless i get offered another job, never realised that until after i done it!
Try guy whittingham I'm currently in prem with Aldershot and iv had him since league 2 he's stats are decent