Life got easier


Life became easier today

  • Filters now save

    If you spend ages customising your filters and then view a new tactic, and then go back, the website will remember your filters! Cool right? We think so too. Which is why….

  • Open in a new tab

    You can use keyboard shorts or right-click “View Tactic” with your mouse to open in a new tab. No more losing where you are and having to re-discover it. Load more, load more, load more, I quit.

  • Minor Fixes

    Just stuff that needed fixing, got fixed.

Ch ch changes


Life became easier today

  • Pagination

    No more lag because we’ve tested too many tactics. Load more, load more and load more.

More filtering options


Life became easier today

  • Formation Filtering

    Filter tactics via formation with our easy-to-use formation filter. You’ll like it a lot I’m sure.

  • Author Filtering

    Fed up with seeing 100 tactics by Knap before you get to the next author? Filter only or filter out tactics by any author you like.

Another week, more improvements


Another week, more improvements

  • Recently Tested

    Tactics that have been tested in the past 24 hours will now have a recently tested indicator on them. Only available on Grid-View.

  • Automated Screenshots

    It’s usually annoying when people upload tactics without a screenshot…right? Not anymore. Whilst our beep boop testing robot is testing tactics, it’ll also grab screenshots of the tactic, the results and the test. Woah.

  • Sorting Hat Icons

    Some wizardry happened and poof, sorting icons are perfect.

A sprinkle of polish #2


We’ve added a couple of things:

  • Sort by date

    Filter tactics by date and view recently tested tactics.

  • YouTube testing

    We have an awesome team of youtubers making videos and now you can view appropriate and additional testing videos on the page related to specific tactics.

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