9.3.0 7 Star Coach Stats

  • Thread starter Thread starter Lee
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All right, but I am trying to improve my shooting in training.
Maybe this picture will explain what I'm trying to say :)

View attachment 4423

I need coach who is good in some attribute that trains shooting.


I find that coaches are hard to find with 7 stars but you can hit 5 and six easy.

Fitness coaches and goalkeeper coaches = self explained
Shooting coach needs Technique and attacking
Ball Control is Tech and Def
Attack coaching is obvious
Defence...same again
Set Pieces are weird its kind of attack tactics and technique

This may be gospel or i may be slightly wrong please feel free to put me right but these are the coaching stats i look for and i do alright with tugs training.

Motivating and Determination are good attributes too.

Hope this helps a bit for ya
One bit of information that I've not seen in a fast read and searching the pages don't return the significant words:

The stars given in each task depends on how many tasks are given. It can be a total score and then with each task certain amount is subtracted with which the calculation is remade, and depending on scores this or that task loses the star first (or gains when removing).

In a game I'm starting that I've been looking to those I saw that with every part of training assigned to a coach, he had 2 stars in strength and in aerobics, one in the rest. Since my goalkeeper coach gave five stars to goalkeeping, I unticked goalkeeping from this other manager, for which this gave me one star, as I did it the ball control went from one star to two. So with the two non goalkeepers I unticked goalkeeper, and as one got one star I unticked it for the other, getting an extra star in another training part.
the calculations you have given are wrong because i have a coach who is 20 mental 20 techinique and 27 when adding up ddm...which means the total comes to 274 which is 7 star according to your post yet he is only 5 star in my game

and i just calculated the rest of my coaces they shoul all be of a better rating according to your post yet they are lower in my game

i am in version 9.3.0
how come this is happening?
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It takes ages to look for staff this way. I just use the genie scout to find all my staff and only takes like 5 mins ;)
Here is a few good coaching staff for my cuerrent team.

1) Andre Vilas Boas: I signed him from Inter for about 1m but well worth it, with 6 stars on Attacking, Shooting, Ball Control, and Set Pieces.

2) Fabio Mahseredjian: I signed him from Internacional from Brazil as a Fittness coach, then offer him as a coach, he has 6 stars on Attacking, Shooting, Ball Control, Set Pieces, Strength and Aerobic

3) Manuel Delgado Meco: I signed him from free agent, he has 7 stars on Strength and Aerobic.

4) Fernando Moraes: I signed him from Palmeiras from Brazil as a coach, he has 6 Stars on Goalkeeping and Tatics, due to not many coaches can get to 6 stars on TATIC, I do not think there is more than 5 coaches can get tatic on 6 stars in the game, he will be good for any team.

5) Inaki Bergara: He is already with UTD when you start the game and he has 6 stars with Defending and this is an area thet I again find it very hard to get coaches with 6 stars on Defending.

Honornable mention

Massimiliano Favo: He was my Assistant Manager and he has 6 stars on tatic and Attacking (if I remember correctly), after he left, I tried out about 10, 15 coaches to get the tatic training back to 6 stars.


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Here is a few good coaching staff for my cuerrent team.

1) Andre Vilas Boas: I signed him from Inter for about 1m but well worth it, with 6 stars on Attacking, Shooting, Ball Control, and Set Pieces.

2) Fabio Mahseredjian: I signed him from Internacional from Brazil as a Fittness coach, then offer him as a coach, he has 6 stars on Attacking, Shooting, Ball Control, Set Pieces, Strength and Aerobic

3) Manuel Delgado Meco: I signed him from free agent, he has 7 stars on Strength and Aerobic.

4) Fernando Moraes: I signed him from Palmeiras from Brazil as a coach, he has 6 Stars on Goalkeeping and Tatics, due to not many coaches can get to 6 stars on TATIC, I do not think there is more than 5 coaches can get tatic on 6 stars in the game, he will be good for any team.

5) Inaki Bergara: He is already with UTD when you start the game and he has 6 stars with Defending and this is an area thet I again find it very hard to get coaches with 6 stars on Defending.

Honornable mention

Massimiliano Favo: He was my Assistant Manager and he has 6 stars on tatic and Attacking (if I remember correctly), after he left, I tried out about 10, 15 coaches to get the tatic training back to 6 stars.


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hey dude, can I please have a list of all your coaches. you seem to have good ones. thanks.
hey dude, can I please have a list of all your coaches. you seem to have good ones. thanks.

way to search. this is an 09 thread, are you looking for good FM09 coaches?

Also please dont quote someone elses post if its that big just to ask a question
Excel table to calculate 7star Trainers

Here is a Table I made from some information found here.
Can someone help me.....i create my own training schedule...and it's ok at the beginning at the season...suddenly everything is going below the par...the performance of my team also down....why this happen??is it because the Happines during the training....coz some of my player unhappy with the schedule...