
Why So Serious?
Apr 14, 2009
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I have been looking to set up some sort of team of people who can do the cut out faces to help me compile a pack for the 2010-2011 season, and also so we are ready for the Release of Football Manager 2011. If you are interested in helping out with this project, please post below, and also give examples of your cut-out work.

Thank You, and Watch this space:)

WIP List

- English Premier League - Nathan & StuW

Rep. Ireland
- Irish Airtricity League - Kevynaylor
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Probably be up for for it make a few cuts later and post them up.
Should maybe ask on a few graphic sites?
I would love to do this Stu! :D
I will be starting on some packs next week, so if any one wants to help with these, could you choose a league or two and I can add them to the WIP list.:)
how do you do them and i will do a few leauges?
I'm not very good at cutting out but I could attempt with the refine edge tool on CS5 which is what I use for renders in my sigs.
I'm not very good at cutting out but I could attempt with the refine edge tool on CS5 which is what I use for renders in my sigs.

Well it is the same principle, cutting away the background etc to leave the player. Post one up when you are done.
Quick example of one I have just done of Almunia.

If someone could let me know how and what I need to make them and I will help
is this facepacks?

are you going to do the Premier League mate
When I'm done shall I put them all in one post?