
Feb 6, 2009
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Good day to you all, welcome to the Fm-base.co.uk players section!

This thread is to help alleviate the needless threads started asking simple questions that could be answered in a matter of minutes by me or any other member who wants to :)

Please ensure that all the questions relating to the stickied threads need to be asked in their respective threads like:


Anything else may be asked in here like where to go? Has a player thread for Necip Uysal been created yet? (even though you should search for it first) where do I find this thread? Can you help me with this? etc etc..

So please make use of this thread to its fullest and I will answer everything I can and point you in the right direction for you to get the most out of this fantastic site.

Enjoy your time here with us,

Ok heres the first Question.
What do you find as the best way to scout for regens?
Do you tend to utilise your scouts or search for players manually?
Personally I dont rely on scouts much and just scout myself
Ok heres the first Question.
What do you find as the best way to scout for regens?
Do you tend to utilise your scouts or search for players manually?
Personally I dont rely on scouts much and just scout myself

I normally dont like regens and if I do come across one it is by chance! But, what I do (when I do look for them) is search for players no older than 19yrs and set technique to above 16, this normally finds classy players in my experience!

I scout myself, once I find a player I deem good or has potential I send my scouts off to him to get a feedback report!
Raikan, Are you gay?... ;)

In all seriousness, how do you find your amazing finds?
You can't give away your techniques Neil! Your job will become obselete XD
Ok heres the first Question.
What do you find as the best way to scout for regens?
Do you tend to utilise your scouts or search for players manually?
Personally I dont rely on scouts much and just scout myself

Make sure you have the regen spawn dates and scout every regen in those positions you need to cover as soon as they pop up - I tend to scout Africa first as they're cheap and often very good. Of course most of the players you scout will suck but I usually find 3-4 with good potential and end up buying the one with the best attributes.
right Raikan. heres a Q?

i have this regen youngster from my squad and he is originally 'imported' from my affilate to play at Arsenal. i gave him a contract, and i look at his profile, but then in the personal section where it say brith place, it says 'unknown.' oO)
i check over in fmrte, btw he's from Vietnam, and in there it says he's born in Hanoi. very strange really, but why didnt the word Hanoi showed up in the game it self (and yeah i boosted his attributes and man him a vietnamese wonder kid :p )
note, not only for Vietnam only, but i also got an eritrean and US regen and both birth places are their capital city, Asmara and Washington DC respectively, and still the same problem too.

any help ??

---------- Post added at 12:12 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:11 AM ----------

edit: my bad, this thread is for fm12 , and i was thinking it was for fm11. :p
Since you were talking about regens, can you please list the dates the regens shows up?

I believe it is different for each country. Is it true?

Or is it will be the same as last year? If it is, can you give me the link for it?
How are you bud ?
fine thank you :) had an early flight to JHB yesterday morning (6am but woke up at 4am) my plane was then delayed by 3 hours later that evening and only got back home after 10pm last night..

how are you? :)

Do you like beer?

I love beer, I crave beer! my favourites are:

1) Peroni
2) Windhoek Draught/Lager
3) Grolsch
4) Laurentina

I love Whiskey and Wine too, thats all I pretty much drink, oh and the odd Gin & Tonic :)

you two, lol :p
Just woke up, had breakfast and some juice. So I'm ok. Now I have 700 pages of "Economy" to master till next Friday. I hate my Uni.