Recent content by Twitch1404

  1. T

    New network game

    I'm looking for a few users wanting to join a network game. Playing as any team in the Premier League (excluding both Manchester clubs, Liverpool, Chelsea, Spurs and Arsenal) or any Championship team. But all must be within the same league. Willing to play for a few hours most nights after 8pm...
  2. T

    Wolves - 5 Year European Goal

    Good Evening all, I'm new to the whole fm-base posts so excuse me if I'm babbling on or rushing through things, I'm sure I'll pick it up as I go along. I've been playing FM now for as long as I can remember but I've never began a season with Wolves - as a United fan I've always began with...
  3. T

    Wolves - 5 year European goal

    Good morning all, I'm new to the whole fm-base posts so excuse me if I'm babbling on or rushing through things, I'm sure I'll pick it up as I go along. I've been playing FM now for as long as I can remember but I've never began a season with Wolves - as a United fan I've always began with...