
Jan 6, 2010
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I know it's tricky to tell without anybody actually having the game, but how would people think a 2013 MacBook Air would fare with the new FM 2014 (and the next couple of versions into the future)?

I would probably go with the 8gb Core i5 model and 128gb SDD.

Have people found that it runs FM2013 fairly well?

And have people with older MBAs been running it ok? Are they likely to be able to hold their own fairly well with FM for the next few years?

Would it be worth going for the i8?
You wont have any problems. It's not going to be super fast, but you would expect that from a MacBook Air.
Would it be able to handle 7 or 8 nations on a large database fairly handily would you know? And the 3d match engine.

i would really like a MBA and don't really use it for gaming much. When I do it's mainly FM, Civ or games like that. The portability, battery and integration with my iOS device would all be great.

Still, don't want to pay all that money if I thought it might struggle to play FM 16 or 17 in 2 or 3 years time.
It works fine. Not had an issue with mine and it is from 2011. If you've got the money swap the 8gb ram for the core i7. processor is normally the most important thing for FM and there's a big difference between i5 and i7.

?40 difference between the processor and ram upgrade
Really? Everything else I read said the additional RAM was a must, and prioritise it over processor.

id like to go up to 256 SSD as well as I fear 128gb won't be enough, but there's a limit to how much I want to spend.

and at that price, I could get a retina MacBook Pro for better specs but lose portability.
Processor is the most important thing. The RAM FM uses isn't usually that high, I've never seen it use more than 2GB so if you had to choose between 4GB RAM and i7 processor get the processor.
So has anybody tried the beta with a MBA?

how does it fare?
Yeah I've tried it and it's fine and mine is 2011. Better screen resolution would be nice though
How many leagues are you able to load?

and what graphics settings are you on?