Anybody used a Libero with Attack duty?


May 3, 2010
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I like the idea of integrating the use of a Sweeper/Libero into a team so solidify the defense but havent yet done it.
Has anybody tried a Libero - Attack before? An athletic defender charging forward disrupting play further up the park sounds useful?
Like you I am a huge fan of sweeper/libero and sad to see it used so irregularly in the modern game. As a result of this there is a distinct lack of accomplished sweepers on FM and I don't think there is even a single natural one. Bonucci of Juventus is the only top level player who can player sweeper that I am aware of, but I'm sure many players could be retrained there. Again, however, there are even less players that could fit the libero role. Unless you use the editor to add this position in for a couple of players, your best bet would be to retrain someone like Busquets or De Rossi to sweeper (lots of playing time in friendlies in this position will speed up) as they have good ball playing abilities too and should have fairly sensible PPMs.
May I point you in the direction of this tactic, with which Brazil won the world cup using Edmilson, naturally a defensive midfielder, as something of a libero. Not sure if his duty would strictly match attack, but this is something you can experiment with.
The other thing that springs to mind if you don't have the resources to play some one in a Libero role would be to stick a BPD-C in the centre of a three man defence, tell him to 'get further forward' and I'm not sure if you can but 'dribble more' and other corresponding attacking instructions and then 'close down less' so that he pushes up in attack and drops deeper behind the line in defence. Ideally though finding a suitable libero would be most exciting. Let me know how you get on!