
Jun 19, 2010
Reaction score
So, the idea was to start the match with an attacking tactic. Using inside forwards to overcrowd the box, and wing backs for overlaps, with plenty of through balls. The idea is to score. When you have decent ammount of goals scored, and have a nice lead, usually in 2nd half you should switch to 2nd tactic. 2nd tactic introduces wingers, to wear out exausted opposition, and a trequarista to exploit the created space in the middle. It also offers a lot less through balls, and consequently a lot more possession, as you are supposed to deny your opponent any chance of coming back into the match. Things like tempo and width and time waisting are the same in both tactics, as is the used (standard) strategy. The only thing changed are some shouts and some player roles and duties, so your team wont have to adjust much. I'm to lazy to do screenshots now, as I'm tired, but maybe will post them some other day. Anyway, here are both tactics. The offensive one is FC Barcelona, while the possession one is Tiki Taka. Enjoy!

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^, and hopefully these will be beast due to all the tips you've gave out and hopefully you've incorporated them all in these tactics
Hey guys, I have tried repeatedly to perfect Tiki-Taka but I am 100% sure that it is impossible to perfect. The question is, what is the closest we can get to it in FM? I set these aims for myself while trying new setups :
- 60% Possession minimum every match.
- 500 passes minimum every match.
- 3 Clear-Cut Chances minimum every match.
- Solid defence positioning and clean sheets should be routine rather than a special case.

I've tried formations which are absolutely crazy in starting position and yet made it respectable through Tiki-Taka style. But most will always be variants of 4-3-3, which is the base formation for Tiki-Taka.

So my 2 important questions are :

- Modern Tactic Creator or Classic Tactics? I myself have always used the TC and probably always will, but I hear that Classic is more precise for possession tactics?

- What is the closest you have come to perfecting it? Be aware, this is not to show off, but to share knowledge with the community of different set-ups and different observations which you think only you have made and will be a decent addition to the general knowledge of this community.