
Feb 13, 2010
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From FM 2005 through to FM 2010 I was a tactical genius. Winning trophies left right and centre. But since FM 11 things started going a bit down hill. Now I like a bit of difficulty in games but where is the line crossed with difficulty and realism?

FM 2014 has been my most clueless campaign. I no longer think with a realistic mind when creating tactics for a club but I'm more thinking "how will the match engine react to this". Or if I go to a team where one philosophy is the usual there and on paper should do well, but I know another tactic that the match engine works well with so I'd go for that over the expected philosophy.

It's even got to the point were going direct wasn't working with West Ham, and I tried a more possession type tactic that I downloaded and it's worked wonders... but this ruins the game for me and defeats the object of Football Manager.

Does anyone else feel the same?
I felt exactly that way about FM13 - to the extent that I stopped playing it and concentrated on getting club badges into place in time for the next edition - and, initially, FM14 as well. But I persevered, took it back to basics and worked out that the most important ingredients of the tactics are the individual skills and attributes of your players - and especially their Preferred Moves. So the key is to create tactics that put as many round pegs into round holes as possible, modifying as you go (by retraining players and/or altering tactics) to keep up with the inevitable changes in your personnel as you progress through the game.

Read just the Opening Posts of these two threads of mine, and I'm sure you will get the proper gist of what I'm saying - not to adopt the same tactics as me, necessarily, but to understand how the tactics came about by first understanding what was best-suited to my players' skills:


or just download my tactic haha :) I won my first season with 1 loss and now unbeaten so far past half way.