Cost of Greek exit from Euro put at $1tn


Aug 17, 2010
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Cost of Greek exit from euro put at $1tn | Business | The Guardian

The British government is making urgent preparations to cope with the fallout of a possible Greek exit from the single currency, after the governor of the Bank of England, Sir Mervyn King, warned that Europe was "tearing itself apart".

Reports from Athens that massive sums of money were being spirited out of the country intensified concern in London about the impact of a splintering of the eurozone on a UK economy that is stuck in double-dip recession. One estimate put the cost to the eurozone of Greece making a disorderly exit from the currency at $1tn, 5% of output.


Wow, just wow. Poor Greece :(
They've done everything right to put themselves into this situation. They are definitely the most incompetent people in Europe. Now I would like to congratulate Germany and the USA to get the competent labour, which basically will put Greece into a socalled "braindrain". Greece is soon a 3rd world country, unless they find a competent dictator for their country, because democracy obviously doesn't work in Greece right now. Now the question is, is this possible? I don't think so...
Greece is the first country ever to vote to become a third world country.