
Jan 8, 2014
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In need of an experienced editing user to edit the Scottish league structure.

I am looking for the scottish leagues to consist of two divisions only with 20 teams in each. Three of the bottom teams in top division relagated and the second division to work like the english championship.

I want the TV money for top division to be similar to the the English Premiership.

I can do the rest such as editing the actually teams in the league and any changes to the specific teams.

If someone who can do this and it to work properly with no issues i would be willing to pay money for the time and service?
I have one similar, you can have as a template, but its modeled on the English so Prem, Champ, Div 1, Div 2. with 20 in each?
Yeah that would be great, i was mainly wanting to increase teams and money teams get etc so if i could get a copy of that i would really appreciate it.

Yeah that would be great, i was mainly wanting to increase teams and money teams get etc so if i could get a copy of that i would really appreciate it.


I'll be home in a few hours, i'll PM u dropbox link. :)
Can someone do one with the money being more realistic?
Ive already sent him the database, but you can change the money in the adv. editor quite easily.

I tried that but it didn't translate over to the game for some reason? It didn't show up in the rules page. Does it show up there for you?
Any chance you could edit this and make the prize money bigger? like starting around 25 million then gradually declining to like 1 million for 20th?

I have used a template wkdsoul sent me and edited the leagues for better tv money and prize money, i can send you a copy later today for you to check out if you want? You may need to edit teams to your preferences as i have made major changes to most teams.
I have used a template wkdsoul sent me and edited the leagues for better tv money and prize money, i can send you a copy later today for you to check out if you want? You may need to edit teams to your preferences as i have made major changes to most teams.

Major Changes? what do you mean? like what teams are in what leagues? or did you edit their fanbase/finanaces/players etc?
Probably too much changes for you, i have basically changed finances, fan base, money, prize money added players etc.
Any chance you could edit this and make the prize money bigger? like starting around 25 million then gradually declining to like 1 million for 20th?

I'll do this later and send you a link. Unless you wanna do it McPhill ?
Probably too much changes for you, i have basically changed finances, fan base, money, prize money added players etc.

I wouldn't mind seeing the database, I'm decent with the editor so I can change what I don't like etc. Could you PM me the download?