FileSonic's 'sharing ability' is disabled


Aug 17, 2010
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FileSonic shutters: Another file-sharing site bites the dust | ZDNet

[h=1]FileSonic shutters: Another file-sharing site bites the dust[/h] By Zack Whittaker | January 22, 2012, 3:15pm PST
Summary: Only days after the Megaupload website was taken offline by U.S. authorities, similar businesses are scrambling to protect themselves before any action is taken against them.
FileSonic, one of the most popular file-sharing websites on the Web, has announced that it is has disabled “all sharing functionality”, and that its service can “only be used to upload and retrieve files you have uploaded personally”.
The company’s Facebook page has also disappeared. According to users on Reddit, it is believed that many accounts and files were deleted today.
It is thought that this measure has been put in place in response to the wider crackdown on file-sharing sites by U.S. authorities.
The USA is a country that really don't make any sense. Isn't it supposed to be extremely liberal? Prohibitation and censorship is not very liberal in my opinion.
well i think file sonic wanted to protect themselves after what happen to MegaU. :p i can still access my account, but i cant share it.