This skin looks great, but there are specific bugs that have gone unfixed that leave the skin unusable unfortunately.

Reported them anywhere? everything thats isnt down to resolution in this thread has been fixed.
i could not find instant result option any idea ?
Skin looks really good the only thing is the stadium pics dont seem to show (as seen in attachment) ive had a fiddle with the resolutions ( the only ones avaliable are 1600x900, 1280x720 and 1024x768) but couldnt find the resolution that was mentioned earlier in the post (1920x1080) Zooming out further helped the skin look more "neat" but still no stadium pics, any ideas ?


  • skin.png
    358.6 KB · Views: 339
Skin looks really good the only thing is the stadium pics dont seem to show (as seen in attachment) ive had a fiddle with the resolutions ( the only ones avaliable are 1600x900, 1280x720 and 1024x768) but couldnt find the resolution that was mentioned earlier in the post (1920x1080) Zooming out further helped the skin look more "neat" but still no stadium pics, any ideas ?

Do you have a mini stadium pack installed? they dont come with the game/skin.
I want the dark of this theme. I want the atbiruties in lowercase. How can I find?
it says its broken or something when i try to open the rar file
Is this skin being updated anymore? I really like it but it's got some issues since the latest update.
Is this skin being updated anymore? I really like it but it's got some issues since the latest update.

Yeah, i've put aside tomo to have a look at it. Only jsut got the update myself so gonna dive in and figure out whats been nerfed.
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Yeah, i've put aside tomo to have a look at it. Only jsut got the update myself so gonna dive in and figure out whats been nerfed.
Awesome. I’ll wait for that the update then!

Btw. Are you able to add the option to change mentality during games without having to open the full tactics menu? Like other skins have.
Team fluidity added & Match titlebar quick console additional button added as requested.

Football Manager 2020 26_02_2020 16_37_59.png

Football Manager 2020 26_02_2020 16_42_36.png
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Brilliant! Thanks Wkdsoul!

Edit: Fluidity bit not working for me.
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Skin looks amazing but just for my own benefit, is there an easy way to change the font colour from green to a light blue ?
Skin looks amazing but just for my own benefit, is there an easy way to change the font colour from green to a light blue ?

Yes, open the fonts folder, and the title xml. You find the rgb codes just amend them. FMBASE Skyblue is 99,176,227 (RGB)
Sorry but where do i put this after I've downloaded the file?