From Curaçao to Champions League


Staff member
Apr 12, 2009
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Welcome to the beaches of Curaçao. This little piece of paradise is what I call home. Football is gaining popularity in this country, and has been massively helped out by some high profile managers at the national team, including my idol, Patrick Kluivert, and current manager Guus Hiddink.

The local football infrastructure is still not great though, with all the clubs being Semi-Professional teams. There have been several solid players to play under the Curaçao flag, but many of whom were born in the Netherlands. Leandro and Juninho Bacuna and Cuco Martina are just a few examples.


My name is Marcel Stuart, and this is my journey from an amateur footballer, to a Champions League winning coach. I am currently unemployed, but I am currently seeking out my first job in football management.

I have only been in the job market for a day, and clubs are already approaching me to offer me job interviews! There are 10 teams in the Prome Division, and almost half of them have approached me for an interview. I have attended all of them, and I am hoping I get an offer or two come back.


About a week later, I received in my emails 2 job offers! One at Centro Dominguito and one at Hubentut Fortuna. I have decided to accept the job offer at Centro Dominguito, as they had the higher expectations, and I am an ambitious manager, and want to aim high, even at the beginning of my career.


Centro Dominguito Club Information

Contro currently play in the Prome Division in Curaçao, and have won the division title on six occasions, including winning it last season. They play at Ergilio Hato, a 15,000 all seater stadium in Willemstad. They have basic Training and youth facilities, but have exceptional youth recruitment.

They currently only have 10 players in their first team, and if we played them all in natural positions, we would end up with a formation something like this:


Fortunately we have some players in our reserve and youth teams we can call upon to fill out the squad and make a viable formation! In terms of the current players that we have, we have a couple of good looking players, including our two strikers Nepomuceno and Kunst.

