Have you ever been sacked when a new chairman takes over ?

Dec 19, 2009
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Hi Guys

Have any of you been sacked when a new owner takes over on my luton legends's save i just been taken over 2011 after a period been told i can keep my job have any of you been sacked straight away or been sacked after the months period they give you
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oh **** sorry about that mate, I never knew that was going to happen :(
If you get good results then you won't get sacked, play **** and you will over the periods.
not happened to me yet .But this happened to my mate when he managing spurs
was 12th when i took over in oct 2011 got them into 2nd and im in nov so not doing too bad
:), I'm doing to add the 1994/95 squad into Blackburn Rovers and Arsenal's 1989/90 squad aswell
i nearly did when i was in the championship with leeds
even tho i was 2nd oO)
went on to win the league
always seem that when new chairman takes over wants to get rid of you but if you keep winning they keep you but iver never seen them sack u straight away
i was sheffield wednesday and they got taken ova by a latvian and he told me my job was safe given me 23 million to spend, didn't spend no money was doing okay was 6th in championship and he sacked me, guttin