Hazza's Exploit - Anybody else wish there was a FM14 Tactic as strong as that was?


May 3, 2010
Reaction score
That tactic was, in my own opinion, the strongest most successful tactic to be made for a Football Manager game.

I understand FM14 has been improved and plug and play isnt as strong anymore as its more realistic and sliders have dissapeared so its more realistic but does anybody else miss the simplicity of it?

I understand there will be more patches and the best Tactics wont appear untill the final patch is done and dusted but i find myself not into the game as much because i dont have the time to adjust every little thing all the time.

And im not looking for any sarcastic comments or negative comments just wondered if anybody else was the same.
I agree. I would use one tactic for 50 seasons if I could because that's how I like to play, but others are different and its almost impossible to please everyone.

The day FM becomes tweak by tweak, match by match is the day I stop playing it.
I agree. I would use one tactic for 50 seasons if I could because that's how I like to play, but others are different and its almost impossible to please everyone.

The day FM becomes tweak by tweak, match by match is the day I stop playing it.

I'd like a tactic that was proven across every team. Mine works for my Morton team, but when I tried it with an EPL team, it was not pretty. Likewise, a tactic that tested brilliantly for Everton was mince with Morton.

I want one, maybe two tactics, and I'll adjust in game if necessary. The only thing I do to account for who I'm playing is to set the opposition instructions, and usually a coach does that.
I prefer to use 1 tactic and base my entire team around the strengths of that specific tactic. I dont like the continuous realism poured into the game, obviously some sort of realism is needed for the game, but i'm not liking the path FM is taking.

Realism doesn't always equal fun.
I agree. I would use one tactic for 50 seasons if I could because that's how I like to play, but others are different and its almost impossible to please everyone.

The day FM becomes tweak by tweak, match by match is the day I stop playing it.

Im glad somebody agrees!

I understand it is a "Management" game so really you are supposed to come across difficult spells and have situations here and there to deal with and im okay with that but since FM11 ive racked up 1000+ hours of playing time on each one yet this year i dont think it will be close to that as i find it less exciting to play.

Im still pretty successful with my saves and stuff its just less dramatic.
I prefer to use 1 tactic and base my entire team around the strengths of that specific tactic. I dont like the continuous realism poured into the game, obviously some sort of realism is needed for the game, but i'm not liking the path FM is taking.

Realism doesn't always equal fun.

Youve hit the nail on the head there!

From my experiences of playing lower league saves and trying to raise a team into the Prem, signing the fastest players available and playing long balls over the top worked absolute wonders up untill League 1/Championship...

But last years 4-1-4-1 Rock Classic tactic was so strong that even with Wrexham in the lower leagues i could dominate with that lone tactic and i made it to the Champion League eventually and it was one of my favourite saves of the FM Series.

Unrealistic yes, but i enjoyed that save way more than 1 very in depth season this year
I prefer to use 1 tactic and base my entire team around the strengths of that specific tactic. I dont like the continuous realism poured into the game, obviously some sort of realism is needed for the game, but i'm not liking the path FM is taking.

Realism doesn't always equal fun.

Completely agree. I get that some people want realism. I really do. However, I play FM games to enjoy them and have a reasonable measure of success (I don't enjoy losing streaks- who does?). On my current save on FM14, I've gone from great form to really struggling for no reason, using tactics that I'm assured bring goals (yet don't for me), and I don't have the time or patience to tinker with team and player instructions every match.

Plus, the removal of some of the interaction options is a step backward.

Is anyone up for a casual online game of FM12? (Best one so far if you ask me)
Honestly for me no, I found it way too easy and got bored very easily in saves if all you had to do with download the grid or one of the many other pretty solid tactics. FM12 was an ideal example, in lower leagues all you needed was a striker with 14/15 pace and you'd pretty much walk the league with him top scorer, once you got into a half decent league sign a regen with similar pace and decent flair/dribbling and he'd pretty much do the same.

To me the way it is now and the way it's going is more interesting and entertaining, although I can understand why people would be against it.
Honestly for me no, I found it way too easy and got bored very easily in saves if all you had to do with download the grid or one of the many other pretty solid tactics.

this. i have only been playing FM since last year but i have explicitly avoided downloading tactics for this reason. i dont want to just plug in some unbeatable tactic and win every match. the game would become stale to me.
Honestly for me no, I found it way too easy and got bored very easily in saves if all you had to do with download the grid or one of the many other pretty solid tactics. FM12 was an ideal example, in lower leagues all you needed was a striker with 14/15 pace and you'd pretty much walk the league with him top scorer, once you got into a half decent league sign a regen with similar pace and decent flair/dribbling and he'd pretty much do the same.

To me the way it is now and the way it's going is more interesting and entertaining, although I can understand why people would be against it.

I agree with this also tbh and can see your point.

It is very rewarding when you do make a bizzare tactical change and it pays off at various different stages of the season or a particular match and you know the reason you took all 3 points was due to your patience and intelligence of the game. But at the same time i do miss building these lesser Swansea/Stoke/Southampton teams into world beaters without having to spend weeks and weeks of in depth tinkering and adjustments.

As the other guy said pleasing everybody is impossible! But i suppose they arent doing a bad job everybody still spends days on end playing it! ��
can anyone explain why the **** i have 35 shots in a match 15 on target 5ccc's and yet only score 1 and draw when at home? what the actual ****? how on earth is that possible? many people say that this game is realistic but in terms of the tactics it doesn't make sense. i would understand if it happened after every 7 games as normally in real life you don't always have the best results but almost game in game out i get these stupid results and i'm not the only one. this absolutely infuriates me. surely by now si should have fixed this
and even though it really ****** me off im still addicted... lol which makes the situation even more annoying
and even though it really ****** me off im still addicted... lol which makes the situation even more annoying

I dont really have an opinion on the whole 100's of CCC's and no goals because it confuses me how Strikers in the game score a lot less than Wingers/Inside Forwards and Attacking CM's do.

It is frustating watching your team dominate a game and walking away with nothing. Sometimes even just a 1-0 win is infuriating when you know you should of scored loads more. But then in a way sometimes "Thats football" but not as often as it happens in FM.
I think you should have the option to play both kind of ways.
If you want to play an exploit tactic, it is your own choice (I won't do that), and if you want to build your tactic around your team that's also your choice.
FM can have the possibility to make it so. Since it's a single player game it'd be awesome if you could choose to play a "version" which allows exploits and one which doesn't. You could call it easy mode vs hard mode or what ever.
In the end it's only you who will experience what's happening since it's a single player game.
Aswell in this years game, strikers seem to miss the most easiest of chances. I play Liverpool, and instead of the clinical, composed striker that Suarez is, i seem to get a league 1 finisher (No offence intended, take it with a grain of salt) that took a **** in his pants before he shot.

I do understand that SI are trying to please their hardcore gamers, but completely neglecting the casual gamers, you're pretty much putting yourself on the chopping block. Why not have 2 modes; Casual experience, and hardcore experience.

I love FM, it is just extremely annoying when your players make the most bone-headed decisions, despite the fact they're meant to be the best players in the game. SI are probably going to fix most of these issues by the time the final version gets out, but they shouldn't of rushed the game out of the door.

I'm undoubtedly going to get the odd twerk-off who thinks i'm biased and throwing **** at the game because i'm losing.
Aswell in this years game, strikers seem to miss the most easiest of chances. I play Liverpool, and instead of the clinical, composed striker that Suarez is, i seem to get a league 1 finisher (No offence intended, take it with a grain of salt) that took a **** in his pants before he shot.

I do understand that SI are trying to please their hardcore gamers, but completely neglecting the casual gamers, you're pretty much putting yourself on the chopping block. Why not have 2 modes; Casual experience, and hardcore experience.

I love FM, it is just extremely annoying when your players make the most bone-headed decisions, despite the fact they're meant to be the best players in the game. SI are probably going to fix most of these issues by the time the final version gets out, but they shouldn't of rushed the game out of the door.

I'm undoubtedly going to get the odd twerk-off who thinks i'm biased and throwing **** at the game because i'm losing.
Playing a game called Football Manager and not wanting to manage your teams tactics is a bit like playing F1 2013 and not wanting to drive the car.
I'm not sure that it's the "managing your team tactics" piece with this current patch. It's the inconsistency, you can do the same thing with the same players on a numbers of occasions and have very unrealistic variety of outcomes. This on top of very odd player decisions happening on regular occasions just makes the current game experience a less enjoyable one.

The "haven't you seen that in a game before" isn't a good enough excuse for the ME for me, otherwise we'll have a goal scored via a beach ball in the next patch and have people telling us that is happen once so why can't it happen every other game in FM14.