My Teams form is Dipping - help :)


Apr 11, 2014
Reaction score

I've played quite a lot of FM games but I never really settle because of huge losing streaks, however lately I have been using a tactic that I DL'd from this website that has been working great up until now as I think the AI has got use to my tactic since I have won quite a lot and the team is 100% familiar with it. I have noticed that my main striker has stopped scoring as of late, and my team seems to let in goals early on and there is hardly ever any key moments in the games.

(bare in mind I am a bit of a Noob when it comes to this game as I learn as I go along)
The tactic I have been using is called “Callamity's 14.3.1 update”

I have also downloaded other random tactics as backup and the team is quite familiar with them from training but every time I use them when I'm losing or drawing or just trying to change things up I never seem to win with them.

  1. the cube tactic – postrotok
  2. UNREAL TFF V4 - totalfootballfan9

I would prefer to use the first one that I have been having success with if you guys have any ideas of adjusting it or helping with something else to get me back on winning terms (consistently) that'd be great.

The matches are definitely getting harder through the season and the form isn't atrocious but you can see my teams form is dipping and I don’t want to lose my 1st place spot come the end of the season.

The attachments are below, if you guys need anymore print-screens just say.

I'd recommend having a more counter-attacking, direct tactic to switch to. Considering you are using "attacking" and "retain possession", just a balanced tactic without "retain possession" will be a big change from what you are doing. Even if you use it sparingly, you create the threat that your team could play very differently.