
Mar 8, 2012
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I am into my 6th season on my Newcastle save and Ademilson has just been given British citizenship, yet the guy after all this time, still only speaks basic English. Now I know there are certain elements that contribute towards this but to me it appears to be more of a frequent thing in fm 2013. Anybody else noticing this at all?
Yes i have noticed this too.I am in my 3rd Season and have also got Ademilson and a few other players who are finding it difficult to learn the English language.
Is English that hard of a language to learn for people that don't speak it?
English is probably the easiest language I can remember, I'm portuguese and I speak it perfectly, spanish is easy too, french is hard, I speak both though.

Is English that hard of a language to learn for people that don't speak it?
Exactly, I think players learning new languages on this version of fm has become harder compared to previous versions.
I could never get my head around german or spanish, but I've been speaking english fluently since I was 12. So yeah, it looks like it might have become harder this year on FM. Don't see why they would change it though, most players learn the basics of a language within a year.
I have several Brazilians at the club who have picked up English quite easily. You would think that they could aid their fellow countrymen with learning a new language as well as settling into their new surroundings and therefore is something that should be incorporated in a future fm version. After all, when you sign a new player, one of the questions you are asked by the press is will you be asking a current player (who speaks the same language) to help out the new signing if they don't speak the local language. This could be overcome by something like a simple private chat. I just think 5 years for a player to learn some basic language is either useless or just plain lazy.
It all comes down to the players' hidden stats. He will learn a language faster if he has high adaptability, professionalism and determination. The lower those stats are, the longer it will take. If one of them is really low (like 2 or 3), then they might never get further than basic.
got points being made itt

i signed to Egyptian regens both with low adaptability stats but because they are the same nationality it worked a treat now they're on both favored people lists
Yeah, adaptability seems most important. It's a shame that it's not possible (afaik) to know who has low adaptability.
508 days in England, but my Japanese DL still hasn't learned even basic English. Whereas some players master the language in three months.

...ah well. He's one of my best players and I probably would've hired him anyway even if I had known that he had trouble adapting. His personality is 'Professional' and his determination is 16, so I dunno if those actually have much of an effect on learning the language.
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