Shadow Draig

Nov 8, 2018
Reaction score
Pompey Reborn

I've never done an FM story before but have enjoyed reading through various ones on here and so thought I'd give it a go myself.

My story will be based around Portsmouth, the team I support. The aim will be to get them to the very pinnacle of football with a strong reliance on youth. There will be a multitude of mistakes by me as I am rusty at FM and I haven't played on a recent addition so some of the new systems will take some getting used to.

Shadow Draig
Pre-Season Update

So having taken charge of Pompey my first challenge was evaluating the squad at my disposal.
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So overall the squad is pretty good for this level although lacks many stand-out players. In goal its choice between McGee and MacGillivery - McGee isn't quite as good despite having more experience at this level so MacGillivery is our number one. A couple of solid young centre-backs in Whatmough and Clarke give a good base and potentially will be important for a good few seasons - even if promotion is gained. Fall backs are less solid with a lack of choice at both right and left back - Brown is the default choice at left back and Walkes at right back. Midfield is ok with a few decent players but none really standing out. Pitman is a decent advanced midfielder and Rose and Naylor are both alright deeper midfielders though none are likely to be long term solutions for us. May supposedly has lots of potential but isn't really likely to get in the first 11 for this season at least. On the wings we have 2 exciting wingers - Green and Lowe. Both have pace and both have good crossing ability for this level. Green is a loanee from Aston Villa so won't likely be here for more than a season but for now our wingers look strong. Upfront we have 2 strikers - Hawkins and Mason. Mason is the pick of them although is another loanee, this one from Wolves. Hawkins offers an alternative attacking threat though and is basically just a huge lump for getting on the end of long balls - he actually also plays as a CB which is an odd combo of positions!

I felt a few new players coming in was fairly essential to just provide a more balanced team. Particularly the midfield needed strengthening and 2 impressive Premier League loans have certainly plugged that gap. Oakley-Boothe and Gribbin provide some much needed creative spark to Pompey's fairly drab midfield. The 2 fall-backs from Everton also provide more competition there as I felt it was a potential weak spot in the team. The other 2 free signings of Russell and Redmond were made to add numbers to the squad really and ensure we don't struggle with an injury crisis. On low wages they shouldn't be too much of a burden if they don't prove their worth.
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I want to play good football even at this level. Whilst we could have built a team around lumping the ball up to Hawkins I wanted to create a genuine good quality football team and try to outplay the opposition. Given our quality on the ball at this level I think we have a chance at being highly successful with this - although inevitably now we'll be bullied by the Stoke's of League One. At least for this we have a contingency plan in Hawkins where we can be a bit more physical ourselves - this may also prove useful if we get any Premier League opposition in the cups.

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Pre-season friendlies
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Overall a very good pre-season I thought. Losses against Championship teams Derby and Aston Villa were expected but we performed well against lower league opposition scoring lots of goals in the process. The draw against Anderlecht was the highlight though - a genuine Champions League quality team whom we frustrated with our plan B method of physical football and long balls up to our 6ft 5" Hawkins, albeit with Pitman actually getting the goal. In pre-season the impressive performers have been Oakley-Boothe whom I think is probably wondering why spurs have sent him to League 1 when he clearly could play an important part for most Championship sides, Lee Brown our left back who claimed 3 assists and a goal really surprising me and making a good claim to the left-back position ahead of Galloway, and Lowe who was popped up with 3 goals and who's pace has created opportunities for us.