
Patient Moderator
Mar 6, 2009
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Welcome to the new subforum of the Tactic section

This subforum is created so that users can get help with tactics. Here are some examples of subjects that would be suitable to post in here. Remember that the more information you provide in the opening post, the better help you will get.

Asking to be spoon fed with a tactic

- " I need a tactic for Napoli first season, using an updated database. I have bought Hazard and want to use 2 forwards. Here is a screenshot of my team ( as not all users actually know the transfers made in the updated database). Cheers and thanks for your help

Asking users to help you to tweak your tactics

- " I am currently using a 4411, Fluid, Control, playing as Liverpool. Whilst I have no problem with beating the likes of Man u or Arsenal, I always seem to loose when playing lesser teams like Wigan away or even Blackpool at home. Anyway, here are some screens of my formation, the team settings along with the mentality and closing down settings of my team ( as I know that not all user have played fluid-control in a 4411)

Asking how to setup a tactic in general for your team

- " I am a newbie to FM and don't know how to setup my team. Can you give me some pointers. As you can imagine, I will not be able to use the shouts( until learning them) so I just need some basic pointers and then I will carry on myself as I like the idea of exploring the new game I just bought. I am playing with my favorite team X. here is a screenshot of the players. I would like to play a 4231 as its my favourite formation in real life.. Cheers

Asking how to emulate a certain managers/teams approach.

- " Looking at how manager X is playing this season, he now uses 5 men in midfield and keep player Y upfront alone. The flow of the game looks brilliant and ant to know how to emulate this in FM12.
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