Good luck. Enjoying the storyline. :)
Yeeh just been scouting round amazonand found FM 11 for £25.00 so this story will carry on when the new era of the game starts.

Anu is now in the story he is going to be doing a diary for Renato once a week. He will start tonight. I am going to do an update tonight then Anu will follow up with an update in Renatos eyes.
Renato's Diary

Wow!! Flamengo! My dreams have come true. I am a footballer at a professional club. Mama and papa will be so proud. I am ever grateful to Steve. Without him I would never have made it here. No one has ever before taken there time out to praise me. I have to get into the first team soon. For Steve, for mama and papa. I have to give some money to them. My life so far hasn't been very good. Hopefully I can impress the Flamengo management. But before I must concentrate on my studies. Get good results. My dream is one day to play for Brazil. To be as good as Ronaldo and Ronaldinho. They are icons to me and millions of others out there. But before I put on the yellow of Brazil I need to earn the red and black of Flamengo. It's going to take a long time. But I am Renato Adriano, the kid from Brazil.

‘Chapter Six’

Wednesday had arrived. I had been waiting egirly. I had not seen young Renato since Saturday he must be a mess. If this goes wrong he could be a wasted talent. I would love to see his talent on my lovely 42 inch plasma.

I got into my Ford Fiesta and started the engine. She hated mornings. I hated mornings aswell but this was Renatos day.

Renatos house was five minutes away from mine. When I pulled up It looked like a right dump. I felt for the lad and then thought if he does well with football he won’t have to live like that anymore.

He oped the door and I greated. ‘Renato my boy’.
‘Steve I am so excited and ever so frightened’ he told me.
‘It will be fine lad all you have to do is play like you always do’.
Flamengos training ground was twenty minutes away from Renatos house.

The lad slept the whole way. Just by looking I could tell he was nervous but I wasn’t suppirsed. Seen as though today was ike his judgement day. He was going to be told No you canrn’t make it son or See you next week responce.

I felt for the lad I really did. I gave him a nudge and he sprung up in suprise. ‘We are her Renato’. He had a huge smile and as we pulled the car up he got out ever so egirly.


Chapter 7 will carry on the training ground action.
Thanks mate may not be able to put the update on tonight but there will be a possibility it will be on tommorow.
‘Chapter Seven’

Renato touched the ball. He dropped his shoulder a couple of times and crossed the ball it landed on the huge striker and he nodded it past the keeper.

The ref blew for full time. Flamengo B had beaten the A team. The youth coach brought the lads in and congratulated everyone. As every got up and headed for a shower they patted Renato on the back one by one.

The youth coach asked Renato to stay back so he could talk to him. I walked over to the car.

I waited in the car until Renatos head popped up from the kill which led down to the pitch.

He got in the car and I said ‘what is up son.’

He randomly changed his face expression and said ‘I am going to need to be taken every week Steve’

I shook his hand and started the engine.

Nice one mate. :)

Keep it up.
soem great writing there my friend and storyline is quality i think you should publish this ;)
‘Chapter Eight’

Flamengo gave me a ring the next morning. The man on the other side of the recivier sounded serious. He told me that young Renato was chosen to play in the Manchester Premier Cup.

I rang Renato and told him that there is going to be a knockout stage and the winner of the Brazilian qulifiar will play in the premier cup in Manchester. He sounded exstatic when I had told him.

I turned my TV on to see that Fat B*****D Ronaldo and the smugg git Glenn. They were chatting about Ronaldos move to Wolves. I thought why would you go to Wolves.

I picked up the remote and turned the channel over to find the Inbetweeners on a Brazilian channel and it spoke English.

Jayy was speken his usual B******T.

I could not be bothered I thought it was time to get a job that payed. I picked up my keys and walked out of the door. I walked round for ages when I saw a homeless man who looked familiar.

I ran after that I had postponed my job hunting as I felt something strange when I saw that man.
As I arrived home I layed down and got some sleep.
