The Revolution - A Sunderland AFC Story.


Aug 25, 2009
Reaction score
Starting a new game with my beloved team Sunderland. Updated game.

Will update soon. Keep updated :)


Jordon Dyer has taken charge over a poor Sunderland squad after ex-boss Steve Bruce failed to cope and uncontrollably bought poor player after poor player which has now left new boss Jordon Dyer with a very large problem in coping with the fight for relegation. The poor squad which has already made largely successful manager Martin O'Neill leave with the stress is looking to be re-vamped by Jordon Dyer in the hope that he can build Sunderland AFC from fighting relegation into a team that will fight for european places. However with the fans already on the boards and Dyers back after the recent appointment this challenge will be hard.

​Stick around for updates.

Cool... A Sunderland story. I have a save with them as well. I'll follow.
I'm going to be updating every 4/5 games into the league.

But I'll post the transfers and pre-season up soon.

Won't be a perfect story but its my first one so should be full of ups and downs :D
Pre Season

The defeat to Ayr was a bit of a suprise but in all fairness I was in the middle of the clean out and had not brought any players in. However, the team made a good return and won 5-0 and 4-1 at Wrexham & Swindon, the signs were getting good that the new team were beginning to bond and the manager was making the correct signings. After the 5-1 defeat to Siena Pre-season began to go in free fall, with 1 win in 3, yet a good display against Fiorentina gathered a draw.




The team I have gathered up during the transfer window I believe have been good signings, within the experienced players we've brought in we have also got some young singing in there too, and having off loaded unnecessary players we also have a less wage bill than was here at first, having only spent a total of 8 million when you count the money brought in from player sales, I believe this squad will be strong enough to push for mid table and be safe for this season, and my objective is only to avoid relegation.

Best signing

The best signing I believe to of made has got to be the bargain of 2.8 million for Maxi Rodriguez, his experience and skill will be a valuable asset to the team this season and at a bargain of 2.8 million you can't go wrong. Also, Jaquin will be a very good asset to the team too.


After an average pre-season with an average team, I have added a few players which I feel will help the team in the fight for survival, a couple of those players could help the team push the team further up the league and the fact I have off loaded the CR*P Steve Bruce brought in has also lowered the wage bill and got rid of bench warmers and non-talented footballers.

With the beginning of the season drawing closer, the players are feeling the nerves, the board are feeling the nerves.. ME ? I can not wait to start the season. A fan, made manager of their boyhood team, its a dream, it actually is. I hope you stick around and help me on this journey to make Sunderland AFC a household name

Update soon.