The Rise of Wales - Carmarthen Town 2.0


Jul 17, 2015
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The Rise of Wales and Carmarthen Town has returned!

I gave this challenge a good go in 2016 and am keen to give it another shot ( )

The aim of the save is pretty simple, I will take over Carmarthen Town and aim to achieve the not so simple task of winning the Champions League! Hopefully I can also land the International position further down the line.

Club Information:

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The Welsh Premier League is ranked as the 123rd most reputable League in Europe, sitting just above the 4th tier of Scottish Football.

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Heres the man set with the impossible task...

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Good luck with this, it will be an incredibly difficult challenge but will be very rewarding if you do go on to success.
Good luck with this, love these sort of saves, done a few with Limerick in Ireland, they are nice as you literally make every single aspect of the club better whilst also after a few seasons you can win a lot of your games which to be honest is what we all want to do whilst playing FM am i right?
Love this! This was the first story I read when I used to browse the forums without an account and inspired me to do something (slightly) similar in Sweden. Do you think you'll surpass what you did with Carmarthen in FM16?

So here's the squad that i'll be inheriting...

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It's a pretty big squad, that consists of a lot of dead weight that can be axed come the end of the season. Hopefully I can pick up a couple of freebies or loanees to help balance the squad out for season.

Here's a closer look at a couple of our best players...

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Lewis Thomas - Although only a teenager still, he is arguably the best player on the books. He is only here on loan but should he have a good season, I will defiantly be looking to make this a permanent move.

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Liam Thomas - Looks to have some pretty strong finishing attributes for this level of football, so am hopeful he can convert some chances should he get the right service from behind.

The board aren't expecting anything too spectacular from me this season as I look to bed in and start to develop my squad. With £600 p/w wage budget still available I have the ability to bring in a few players... assuming I can find any.

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Good luck with this, it will be an incredibly difficult challenge but will be very rewarding if you do go on to success.

Thanks man! It's a very long road ahead, but hopefully one day I can bring that illusive Champions League Trophy to Wales!

Good luck with this, love these sort of saves, done a few with Limerick in Ireland, they are nice as you literally make every single aspect of the club better whilst also after a few seasons you can win a lot of your games which to be honest is what we all want to do whilst playing FM am i right?

That's exactly why I love these challenges also! Although I find once I am dominating the domestic League, my motivation really plummets as only the European games pose any real challenge. Hopefully I can push through it when the time comes.

Love this! This was the first story I read when I used to browse the forums without an account and inspired me to do something (slightly) similar in Sweden. Do you think you'll surpass what you did with Carmarthen in FM16?

Thanks bro! There a fun challenge to have a go at, makes a change to managing in the big leagues. Hopefully I can surpass my FM16 save, but looking back at it I actually managed to get quite far before I threw in the towel. So we will have to wait an see i guess :)

Good luck mate, long challenge ahead.

Cheers bud. Looking forward to getting stuck in now.

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It was a relatively short, uneventful pre-season, playing just the 4 games. I wasn't overly concerned with the results, which turned out to be a mixed bag, but was more concerned with developing some sort of tactic to head into opening day with. A classic 4-4-2 is looking like my plan of attack.

We have been predicted to finish 7th, which is bang in line with the boards expectations. However, my main aim will be to make the top 6 as the League splits after just 22 games and push for one of the 4 continental qualification spots. Maybe a tad ambitious for my debut season.

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The board have agreed to fund my National B licence, which can bolster my qualifications and reputation for a potential international takeover further down the line.

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I brought in 3 rather un-noteworthy players on free transfers. They can add a bit of extra cover for various positions and are all on amateur contracts so don't actually have a salary which is good for me.

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You signed Robbie Williams? Just put on a concert once in a while for extra income boom boom
August 2017

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An unbeaten start to the season has immediately got me on the good side of our few hundred supporters. Strangely I am still to make my home League debut, having played 3 away games on the trott - making those 7 points even more rewarding.

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Unfortunately my first cup run didn't quite go to plan, getting eliminated in the 2nd round against a non-league side. This is however the least important competition we are involved in so isn't too much of a concern.

Just the 4 games to look forward to in September, including a visit from the six time consecutive Champions TNS.

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Thanks LuckDuck!


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September has provided a bit of a reality check, as we struggled to take just 2 points out of 12. Our defensive frailties have been well and truly exposed, and may need to move to a more structured formation.

Only another 4 games to play in October, in a month where we will desperately be seeking to get back to winning ways.

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Now that's more like it!

A few minor tweaks to the formation has reaped the rewards. We look much more assured at the back and even managed to record a very rare clean sheet. With 10 games left until the league split, a top half finish is looking exceedingly likely.

I even managed my first minor bit of managerial recognition, picking up second place in the Manager of the Month.

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November brings the start of the JD Welsh Cup, a competition that has the potential of securing us a Europa League Qualification spot, so will be taken very seriously on my end.

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October was a massive success! I completely forgot about TNS, that'll be a challenge in itself to topple them off the top first... but a very good season thus far!
Loved reading the original one a few year back! Will be following! Good Luck!
Yeah TNS are my first major obstacle in the challenge. Need to end there reign of terror over the Welsh League!

Thanks JamesScott - Hopefully it will be as entertaining as the original :)


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An unbeaten November keeps us in the top 6 running. Again we were able to hold TNS to a draw which makes pleasant reading. Our leaky defence seems to have reappeared, but fortunately our strikers have been there to bail us out.

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We managed to cruise through the third round of the JD Welsh Cup, to set up a relatively straight forward forth round tie against FC Queens Park.

No busy Christmas Period in Wales as we have just the usual 4 matches to look forward to. A nice xmas present would be a guaranteed top half finish.

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Qualifying for a guaranteed top half finish is now within touching distance as we enter the final 3 games of the regular part of the season. That alone should be enough to suffice the boards expectations but I'm definitely eyeing up a top 4 Europa League Qualifying spot!

I imagine that one more victory should be enough to achieve my target and looks doable in our remaining fixtures. We also have the 4th Round of the cup to look forward to against Welsh minnows, Queens Park.

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January 2018

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So we managed to make the top 6 split and have now entered the battle for continental qualification. With the Championship being all but out of reach my sights are focused on the top 4 and a potential place in the Europa League (qualification).

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An epic 12 goal thriller sends us soaring into the JD Welsh Cup quarter finals, to face fellow premiership side, Newtown. We are now just 3 wins away from lifting the trophy, which is not an unrealistic possibility.

Unsurprisingly TNS continued their dominance of the Welsh competitions, striding to victory in the MG Cup.

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So I decided to bring in Mr Creamer and Mr Williams to help bolster our European push. Neither are superstars, but both are good enough to make the staring lineup on paper.

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As normal, we have just the 4 games to play across the month, including a televised game against TNS.

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Great stuff to make the top six split with relative ease. Looking forward to seeing how it pans out from here.
Thanks man - Has been a pretty good season so far. Hoping to clinch a Europa League spot now.


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A massive away win against TNS, puts us first in the 3 horse race for 3rd place and a definite place in the Europa League Qualification stage. It looks all but certain to come down to the wire and our head to head matches may well prove to be the difference.

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A disappointing performance against an average Newtown side, ends our JD Welsh Cup Campaign. I was hopeful of getting through to the Semi's but we just failed to turn up. All hopes of Europa are now resting on the League.
