Who here has stopped the Old Firm's domination in Scottish Football?


Aug 24, 2009
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Alright folks! Just wanted to know from you guys, who has stopped the Old Firms hold on Scottish Football? Its something I have thought of doing myself, so guys and gals let me know what you think about this and how you have got on if you have had a go at stopping the Old Firm. Cheers!
Alright folks! Just wanted to know from you guys, who has stopped the Old Firms hold on Scottish Football? Its something I have thought of doing myself, so guys and gals let me know what you think about this and how you have got on if you have had a go at stopping the Old Firm. Cheers!

I done it with Gretna in CM5 (does that count), if not then no as I get bored of SPL very fast :'(
i have with hibernian with my first season leigh griffiths has be unstoppable with 28 goals
won spl in 2nd season with dundee utd, currently in 3rd season sitting 2nd after 27 games 2pts behind rangers
The SPL is easy. I have never failed to win the league with Hearts. It does get boring quite quickly though and I end up resigning and going to another league.
Did it with Hearts on FM 2009. Finished 3rd the first 2 seasons before winning it 3 times on the run. My aim was to win the Champions League, unfortunately it never happened. :(
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I won the Europa with Hearts but I could only got to the chapmions league semis.
I disagree with that, You need to make some key signings to compete especially in the first season.

Well yeah, but compared to the likes of the rest of the SPL, i'd say that Hearts are closer to the Old Firm than anyone else.

Rangers + Celtic
Rest of SPL
It does help quite a bit that the Old Firm are competing in Europe. It does tire them out which makes them easier to beat.