
May 2, 2010
Reaction score
OK pretty sure something is up with my computer performance and the same thing happened on FM10, when I started the game it was on 4.5 or 5 stars, then a few new games later (At the star rating) it went down to 1.5 stars, even with one league loaded, currently its at 3 stars, theres probably a thread on this somewhere but does anyone know how to keep it up and what makes it go down etc ?
What does it matter? It is just a guide anyway - I wouldn't take much notice of it. Just load the leagues you want to load.
it has some truth in it but it takes into account background programmes that you are using at the same time.

I sometimes have only 0.5* and at others have 3.5*
Well, obviously loading more leagues will affect performance in terms of how fast each days fixtures are processed ect. But as I said, the perfomance bar thing is just a guide, it can hardly be accurate. Just load the league you want to without going crazy and you will be fine :)

Edit: Shay Given is right. I forgot about that. The bar changes in real time, so if you have heaps of background processes munching away at your CPU cycles then you will get less stars.
Computer performance will drop if you have graphics megapacks loaded, whenever you load in graphics or databases clear the cache. also if you,ve loaded a large database and saved the game for the first time restart FM select new game tick change and Click clear and start new game with default Db with 1 nation and 1 league, when loaded click preferences and click load game and choose your save game.
Ahh ok thanks, I know about the fixture speed thing from FM08 when I loaded every league and it took forever to save
You're lucky to have 3 stars mate, both star ratings on mine are 0.5, even with my 4GB of RAM and 35GB free on my laptop. Its crazy I tell ya.
You're lucky to have 3 stars mate, both star ratings on mine are 0.5, even with my 4GB of RAM and 35GB free on my laptop. Its crazy I tell ya.
Well, to be fair, neither of those will affect performance too much. RAM may a little, but not much - it will just help mainly with load times ect. HD will only affect load times. The thing that matters most in terms of performance in FM is your CPU.