
Dec 27, 2009
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Alright guys, I'm managing Man Utd first season, and at the beginning of January I asked the board to buy me Luka Modric from Spurs and they agreed. The transfer window has now come and gone and we haven't signed him. Will the transfer happen in the summer or has something gone wrong here?
They normally do the deal straight away and you get an answer within the next couple of days. If you haven't heard anything then somethings gone wrong and the transfer may have been cancelled. Try going to the transfer centre, the deal may be there and have "cancelled" next to it or "Joining 1st July 2011".

Good luck!
My transfer centre is empty... well confused.

Doesn't look like it got through in time for the window then. Try again in the summer I would suggest. I asked the board at Villa to sign Alexis Sanchez for me and it only took a short time for them to bid and then to agree a contract with him.

Good luck!