
Apr 7, 2009
Reaction score
Hey im unsure if this is the right part off the forum to post this but i have a problem..

Crash Dumps everytime i start my game and get to the first league fixture or first 5 fixtures i get a crash dump its getting highly annoying and is making me wonder if my game is just screwed in general.

ive reinstalled twice and also started 5 new games and everytime a crash dump appears eventually thanks for any help. :wub:
Yeah, could be, I read somewhere, somethings are meant not to be touched, and besides, why cheat?
The FMRTE is a dodgy tool if you dont know what your doing,it can totally wreck your saves.
be a good FM'er like me, frankie & JP and don't use it wrecks all realism in the game :)
ok thank you guys i did have FMRTE for a few times thats probably why then.

Cheerz for the help :)
Yeah mat edon't use the FMRTE, it screws u game. I tried it once on 09 and it has never been the same since:(
I don't use FMRTE but when I try to load my own database I am getting a crash dump...
Football Manager Real Time Editor it allows you to edit the game as you play e.g. give yourself more money change players stats etc
Football manager real time editor. It let's you edit player's stats, clubs finances etc
Thanks guys but i dont think i use anything of that sort!!! Need help by the way..........should i buy kaka for 32 mil ? he is 29......
Is there any way to make some kind of solution to stop or at least reduce crash dumps? I seem to be getting them more and more recently. I don't use FMRTE. I always get the crashes when I go to the tactics screen to make a substitution during a match.
Yeah same for me as SotK, I have downloaded the latest patch and don't use FMRTE - haven't even been in the editor and regularly getting crash dumps and there doesn't seem to be a pattern why? Getting to stage where can't be bothered with game anymore as it keeps crashing!
Well i did have a major problem with crash dumps and i uninstalled the game and completely wiped FM09, and re-uninstalled and it worked fine until i decided to download the player faces, logos, etc and then i got crash dumps. But it seems there is no way of stopping the crash dumps, so im gunna completely wipe FM09 of my computer and get FM10 and prey i dont get a crash dump.
My FM10 crashed too, until I changed the sounds to 'smart' thru the picture and sound settings, just try that :)
I played in 2 days now without crash :)
I get crash dumps often, mine is due to a dodgey Windows 7 copy that has not installed correctly, but works enough for me not to be bothered to re install.
it's a memory thing i had no problems then i downloaded some stuff then i started getting crash dumps so i transfered everything to an external hard drive and i've had no problems since