
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
i save the game 12-15 times a season, and i'm worried that i'm saving the game too much, and this will corrupt it, how often do you save? and does it matter how many times a season i save? thanks!
I've never had a corrupted save on any FM, and i auto save once a month.

The last file i played on FM12 was well in the 2025 season so thats plenty of saves.

Corruptions dont occur because of the number of saves, they occur because your hard drive is in a terrible state. Look after your hardware, defragment etc and you wont have a problem,
it does not matter how many times you save at all mate :) well not to my knowledge anyway...

I save quite often as I am in and out of meetings etc and often go out for lunch so I always save before I leave in case the power turns off at my office block, which happens occasionally..

I save before I leave as well every night!

However, I do not replay games on my proper saves, for eg now I am messing around with the Gunners and have stopped and reloaded many games against the same opposition to try out different things, even though I beat them 4:0, 5:0, 3:1 etc in the game itself, I load it up and make certain changes and carry on..

but thats different though :) normally don't do that, just bored a bit at the moment and am just messing around with Fm12 :)
I save before every match. Recently I've had a lot of problems with the game crashing during matches although the save has never corrupted - I think it may be in relation to the vast amount of leagues I am running. I always use 3 different save names and alternate, just in case one corrupts.
After having 3 story saves corrupted I started saving after every single match-I was being too cautious looking back. But after having to change the hard drive no problems thus far and like Jake mentioned started looking after the drive a lot better with the defrags etc.
I've never had a problem with saves in FM12, but as with any other game, its better to alternate the save names just in case.
I save before and after every game, just a habbit now, been burned by crash dumps in the past! Ain't having that again, also with a ten file rolling save.
like once every few months? Im too lazy and too much saving isnt fun for me anymore. I once played napoli through 1 season unsaved, and it was the best season i've ever experienced. 1 pt more than inter for the scudetto, and i had to play at san siro in the final game :# Good thing we won 2-1
As said before, I got screwed by crash dumps before so got in teh habbit of saving before every game.

Got a better laptop now so kind of getting out of it.

Find my games getting auto-saved more now (auto-save every month)