how to play a season quickly


Jul 20, 2009
Reaction score
could someone plz tell how to play a season quickly coz it takes like 2 years

and also could someone tell me a good team to be coz i dont no who to be
Your telling me it takes you 2 years to do a season
oh ok and what os a good team to play coz i dont no who to play as
depends on how frequent I play it, I've done a season in four days when very addicted, normally just after release of a new one I play a season that fast. Something like 14 hours a day.
On Average though it takes me 3 weeks to a month to do a full season
it takes me about a week and a half or so. and as for who is a good team to be it all depends on what challange you want but i would say reading m8 as they have good players and you dont need to really buy players but that is what i think
Not too sure about 2 years mate, Takes me about 1½ maybe 2 weeks if I do a detailed game.

One way to make it quicker is to set the options like

1 - Assistant Deals with Contract Renewals
2 - Assistant Deals with Friendlies

Saves about 2 to 3 hours.
i did 3 seasons in one sitting once, 22 hours straight or something like that. silly amounts of red bull kept me going
go one holiday for the season, thats one quick way, and i recommend being peterborough, start with a good team ;)