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Jun 29, 2010
Reaction score

I'm not like most people. I didn't play with trucks and dolls when I was young. I wasn't the most social kid. All I had was a football. I'd play with it a lot, me and my brother Jordan. All my life, the football is all I've known.

When I was 4, Papa enrolled me in the youth team for Rupel Bloom. I still have the tattered certificate from the academy. I treasure it to this day, it's what got me started in this strange world. I've been in quite a few teams. Wintam, Lierse, Brussels.

When I was 6, Papa took me to local stadium of FC Boom. He had started his professional career there - he was a famous footballer, you see. He exchanged words with a guard, walked me round, silently, and took me home. I didn't think much of it, and I had no idea why he had taken me to that deserted place and simply said nothing as he walked through the halls and across the pitch.

A week later, FC Boom were playing. Against who, I forget. I think it was a local rival. This time, the stadium didn't seem to be the same place. The stands were alive, the fans chanted the player's names and let out roars of excitement when goals were scored or the keeper made an impossible save. Papa took me with him to watch the game.

When he got home, he sat me on the bed and told me - "Son, did you see the difference between the stadium between today and a week ago? It was alive today. You know why, son? Because of the players. The striker, who scored a terrific goal. The defender, who bravely stood up to the opposition. The goalkeeper, protecting his side's net even when the defenders failed to. The team. That, my dear son, is what you will be one day. A player."

I was young and foolish, but I still remember my father's words from that day. They changed me, and they changed my life.

I picked up the football lying in the corner of my room and went outside.


Author's note - We've all read the stories from the manager's point of view. Took small side to top league, made wonder signing, big victory against huge team, whatever. But here's a unique take from a player's point of view. And that player is fan favourite Romelu Lukaku. Stay tuned...

Please post your comments! They keep me motivated... :)

Could be interesting! ill follow for a bit.. see how in unravels.
Check out my story too mate.
July, 2008.

I was in school, of course. Papa made sure I did reasonably well, and he made sure I kept an interest in football. We'd often go to matches, then he'd take me home and ask for my opinions. Mama was quiet and didn't intervene in my life, but very supportive. Despite this, I had no idea where I was headed in life. Football was fun, yes. But as it where my future lay?

I was 12 now, and the Brussels youth team has shown an interest in me. Papa was at their academy, talking to some figure of authority. As a former footballer he has quite a bit of leverage around these parts. I'm still unsure. Is football really where my future is?


2005. An extract from Lukaku's diary.


Today, I saw a Chelsea game. I had mainly seen local football, and once I saw Barcelona on the television. But Chelsea was different. The team wasn't too special... I mean, they were excellent, but there were other teams out there too; some even better. No. What changed it for me was their talisman. Didier Drogba.

Chelsea had good players. Terry, Lampard, Joe Cole. Carvalho had joined them recently - I had heard of him before. They were all match-winners. But Drogba changed them from a good team to a great team. Lampard would sneak in a cross or a through ball, and Drogba would always get the ball in the back of the net. He could smash a ball past a goalkeeper, or pass it into the back of the net. Drogba inspired me.

I had been playing in the midfield for youth teams, and doing reasonably. But today, I knew what I wanted to do. I wanted to bang in goals, lead a club to glory by scoring my way into the record books. I wanted to be a striker.


July, 2008.

Papa returned from the Brussels trip. They had a place for me, but wanted to meet me and see me in action. We drove up there on a cloudy day and met with the coaches. I talked with the attacking coach, and told him of my ambitions. By this time, I had established my role as a striker, and I did reasonably well in my 6 years at Lierse. His name was Niklas, though I forget his surname, and he told me it would be more challenging here. I was only 12, but there would be older players here. We talked for some time, then I took part in some training with the other kids. They were alright... nobody really talked to me. That's okay. I'll be leaving here soon enough.

In the evening, I met a girl. She was travelling from France... Claudette. A beautiful name, and a beautiful face. She was great company, with a vibrant laugh and great stories to share. I told her about football, she told me about knitting and her amibition to be an author. Claudette became my first kiss that night.

That night, I fell asleep staring at the poster of Drogba on my wall. One day, I told myself, I'd be playing alongside him. I dreamed about Claudette. When I woke up, I... well, you don't really need to know. Can a boy have some privacy?


Note - As Lukaku is a real player, I don't have creative license right now to add twists or anything. Once the story progresses and FM comes in, expect a more tantalising tale. :D


Thank you Jamie and Ben!
Looks good so far, a very unique idea! I'll be following!
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