
Jan 8, 2014
Reaction score

Just wondering if anyone else has noticed unknown managers getting International jobs in their games. So basically Gordon Strachan left as Scotland manager and now twice they have hired a complete unknown who job preference is a coach rather than manager, also they haven't had a single job in the game beforehand. Bit annoying that's all and with the in-game editor you can't just terminate their contract either.

Anyone any idea why these unknowns are getting the job when there is plenty good Scottish managers unemployed who would be better suited?

Might be something to post on the SI forum and make them aware of it or maybe they will patch in the update with Jan transfers.

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It's not just unknown's getting the national jobs it's also managers with poor records. On one of my saves the current Watford boss got the England job with a win percentage of around 50% (I had a similar record, am English yet got sacked by a mid table team). Noticed also the England job tends to go to a foreign manager despite there being several very good English managers in the game. The national management thing definitely needs looking at. I've seen other comments along the same line some in the SI forum so hopefully they will take it on board. Personally I'm not a fan of international management but that's not the point.