Why do i keep losing after december?


Jan 30, 2012
Reaction score
As soon as the new year hits i go on a losing run all the time no matter what team im with, i was top of the league on a 10 game unbeaten run and now i havent won in 8. Its stupid and before u say.. teams have figured me out and stuff, iv changed my tactics, morale is high and iv brought 1 or 2 players in, its always the same and is starting to put me of the game BIG.
Well it seems some teams have certain "breaking points" but with me , after the first season, it usually is kinda shaky until December then they start trashing everyone.
Second half syndrome :( usualy cured by a fresh tactic aproach that you should have become familar with pre season, i personaly like to play counter for january makes me feel safer :)
ye janruary for me but its not cos the team plays bad its cos i stop scoring so i usualy bring in 1-2 strikers
Id suggest its a mixture of ...
Teams have figured you out.
Your new signings have upset the balance.
And players are getting tired mid-season.

I would deepin my defence, keep the ball more in games and wait for the magic to comeback.
Try changing a few of the players you have been playing none stop also.
Well it seems some teams have certain "breaking points" but with me , after the first season, it usually is kinda shaky until December then they start trashing everyone.
I know what you mean, it's so easy to lose points at the very begging, especially if yo don't spend enough time preparing things in the pre-season.
Don't agree with teams figuring you out - only just changed my tactic after 4 seasons and have always finished top.
It's probably squad size or down to weather - if it's snowing it says to play more direct on the tips and hints section.
It could also be just one of those unexplainable things. Why do clubs have bogey teams that most teams would batter?
I had the same problem for 3 seasons, but now I have the quality and depth I do, they never struggle.
1. In my case if i play for long hours, i tend to loose the focus, so i play 2-3 games maximum per day
2. It is possible that you made a super tactic where you went on a good run and now the Computer has learnt how you play or you do not pay attention to some important details. Expecially away====> pitch size of opponent and width are linked..

Try it ....
This annoys me, why doesnt this happen to other teams though- games stupid!!
It's close to reality. How many shock results were there in the December premier league schedule? I don't know exact amount, but there was a heck of a lot.