Recent content by 5h0r7y

  1. 5

    Goalkeeper Distribution

    Hi there i was wondering if anyone had tested the goalkeeper distribution of quick throw (or possibly defender collect) and tried to set it to either a DM or a CM and whether it actually works or if the goalkeeper cant throw it and does something else or he does and gives it away a lot. Any...
  2. 5


    Hey i was just wondering if anyone else had experienced really annoying fixture dates, i just had to play 3 straight games on the 4th 5th and 6th after having like two weeks off earlier in the year. Needless to say my team, by the 6th were really struggling to get a team together, sometimes i...
  3. 5

    Watching saved games

    This is probably a stupid question but i saved a couple matches from my non league side and wanted to watch them again, how do i watch the saved match again? i tried looking but couldn't find the answer, thanks