I'm playing with Nottingham Forest, first season on a large database (11.3)
I'm looking for suggestions on how to strengthen my squad
Here it is:
I'm interested in players that will be good for the premier league too, preferably young
Got about 4m to spend
I was wondering if you manage a team in a low rep league and manage to get the league into the top four for instance, would the money from tv rights increase?
In other words, does the dynamic league reputation system come in a package with dynamic tv money deals?
I'm looking to buy AMC for Feyenoord to help me challange for the title
Preferably young and definately under 30
I can spend about 2mil and loans work for me as well
Hello, I'm starting a new game with Deportivo and since I have VERY limitted resources (800k, could probably sell players for 3-4 mil) I'm looking for some cheap talent that can make immediate impact but will also get better
Also, it'd be nice if they're locals
Mainly need a poacher, but also...