OMG !!! You won with Juventus and OM !!! Great things !
So....i see you think you are something special ...You want to do network game? You pick a team put your best tactic and i pick a team put Vujevic or GYR tactic and see what happens ?
The catch is...if you finish more than 10 points...
this one
And all of Vujevic tactic + ElTurco Cinderella man ...those are the best and properly tested tactics
v2 becomes better when you can buy better players...a lots of new positions that requires specific players.
V1 when you have default squad with some transfers just for depth of the team.
V2 when you get good players as Target forwards , carrilero ertc.
this one
i am always using Gyr's tactics or far the 2 best tactic creators in FM
Stay away from this game breaking tactic lol !!!
So happy that we finally did a thread where we test tactic and not let people into ******** up their season/s led by names like GAME BREAKING tactic lol.
Nothin game breaking about his tactic. You really should rename your thread.
Just another meta 4-2-3-1 where its good at home and shake away.
Even not that good at home against bigger teams.
This is my Lazio save. 8 seasons 8 league wins 7 CLs 8 Italian Cups 7 Super Cups...i won everything...
Out of every tactic you created i just can't make that one work.
This is my 7th season . won everything in 6 seasons in a row.
Even did that last season -
Dont understand how i can't make this one works ...May be because my CM are small and good technically ...dont know.
you can see in the screenshots that its the original version.
Only thing i changed is when i played Man City , Bayern , Juventus , Real Madrid , PSV and Ajax on away i went on cautious mentality.
@White Europe no mods , only the new transfers update in FM scout :)
@dimartino , this tactic i very good in defense can see my test with Feyenoord in his thread.
I don't like how his front 3 are working and looking at it i think if...