Recent content by barryc89

  1. B

    Is there an updated database anywhere with updated leagues etc?

    Anyone know if there is an updated database anywhere with updated leagues etc? Any help appreciated.
  2. B

    Online Game tonight?

    Looking to join an online game, reliable, consistent player. Add me on steam FTD83, hopefully get one started tonight :)
  3. B

    Fantasy Draft Mode Tonight ASAP

    The Mrs is away for the night what better way to spend it than playing FM16! haha. Looking to play my first online draft tonight, ASAP :) Rules, restrictions etc can be decided before we start. ideally looking for 3 ppl but any amount is fine. Hope to here from you soon! :) add me on Steam...
  4. B

    BPL Draft - Online Game *starting ASAP*

    Looking for committed online FM players who are interested in competing in a BPL Draft online game. Looking for 4-6 players, we have 2 player so far, hoping to start at least the draft side of things tonight & possibly get the game started. Once i have the players confirmed, i will pick names...
  5. B

    BPL Game - With a difference

    So the other night i was messing about with the FM editor trying to think of a way to mix things up a bit as i fancied a change to the 'normal' set up, so i eventually decided to move players back to the football team they first played with (or in some cases the team where they first rose to...
  6. B

    Day off work tomorrow - wanting to start online game TONIGHT asap

    So i have the day off work tomorrow and what better way to spend tonight and tomorrow - playing an FM network game. Looking to start an online game tonight in the EPL preferably, but open to suggestions. ASAP. Hopefully play a good few hours tonight then continue tomorrow during the day (then...
  7. B

    Online Game - wanting a few committed players looking for some banter.

    Alright Troops, Basically i have been looking for a long term online game to see me through to the new FM15 release. I have joined a few games but people either seem to rage quit, or suddenly are never online! (maybe because I am such a bad football manager! haha) SO if you are a committed...
  8. B

    Online Game Today

    At a loose end today, was wondering if anyone interested in starting an online game?
  9. B

    Online Game Today

    At a loose end today, was wondering if anyone interested in starting an online game?
  10. B

    cant change windowed mode

    Hi, I have been playing FM on my laptop on windowed mode but I want to change it back to full screen. When I got to preferences to change it back the only option available is windowed. Does any1 know why this is? or how to change it? Thanks in advance.
  11. B

    Online Game - Championship

    Anyone interested in starting up an online game in the nPower Championship? rules etc to be decided.
  12. B

    Newcastle LB

    In my first season with Newcastle, looking for a young (18-23) LB to play as back up to Santon. I Have just over 2mill to spend. Any suggestions apreciated. Thanks in advance!
  13. B

    Reserve/U19 squads

    So i've used date editor to change the scottish league set up but none of the clubs have reserve or u19 teams. Any ideas what i need to do? Cheers
  14. B

    Download help

    Whats the best software to use to download custom databases, leagues etc?
  15. B

    Lookng for Network game

    Anyone got a network game on the go that i can join? Can play most weekdays after 4 & weekends. Cheers