Recent content by begrami

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    Download Professor's Plan | BREAKING THE GAME!!!

    What tactics did you use to achieve all this with Lazio?
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    FRIEDWINGS 4-3-3 WIDE by mogi - 38/37 Wins 191 League goals - Game broken

    What are the instructions for W-su?
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    ODESA V.1 by babemocni, destroying Serie a with Genoa

    Can someone show the team's instructions on defense?
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    Vujevic tactics for FM 24!

    Can you tell me the PIs please?
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    ODESA V.1 by babemocni, destroying Serie a with Genoa

    In away matches, is it a problem if I use the balanced mentality? Which one do you use?
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    Download EL TURCO - DOCTORE

    narrow or slightly narrow?
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    ODESA V.1 by babemocni, destroying Serie a with Genoa

    Hey bro, first of all, congratulations on getting an amazing tactic and results, I'm dying to try it! Could you share the player instructions?
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    Paid Content Krynz 4231 - Dortmund 182 Bundesliga Goals

    v2 for console please
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    Vujevic tactics for FM 24!

    post instructions for console please
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    FM24 - Delicious Zone

    console instructions please?
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    Download EL TURCO - DOCTORE

    Can anyone post the saudade instructions for the console?