Recent content by Cabbage5

  1. Cabbage5

    JourneyMan Europe FM21 - YouTube series

    The start of a completely new adventure...
  2. Cabbage5

    JourneyMan Europe FM21 - YouTube series

    This is proving to be a very challenging start indeed
  3. Cabbage5

    JourneyMan Europe FM21 - YouTube series

    The third video is up! Things are getting interesting...
  4. Cabbage5

    JourneyMan Europe FM21 - YouTube series

    Hello everyone, welcome to my first ever Youtube FM series. I have a bit too much time and always wanted to share the great stories that happen along the way in my, usually, crazy saves, so I figured why not throw it on YT this year. I hope you enjoy my slightly ridiculous take on the game and...
  5. Cabbage5


    In my experience it's near impossible for my opposition to miss a penalty during the game. I am currently in May 2022 on my Stoke save and it's the first time(!) in this save that my goalkeeper managed to saved a penalty. So I'm wondering is this a glitch or something because I think it's...
  6. Cabbage5

    Getting rid of players

    I have a problem with getting rid of players on my Man Utd save, I'm offering them to clubs at lower price than they're worth but very rarely I get a club to be interested. I'm talking about players like James Chester, Robbie Brady, Joshua King who aren't good enough for my first team but I...