Recent content by collierxl

  1. C

    Why oh Why

    Firstly i am sorry for posting the thread here, however i did not know where to put it, you will understand my frustrations I am currently managing a very successful everton side with a starting formation of 4-4-1-1, however i am thinking f changing it to 4-2-3-1 to get the best out of my...
  2. C

    Angel Di Maria

    Is any one else having trouble with this player. I have had numerous recomendations to sign him for my everton team saying how he turns good and becomes a £15mil signing....I signed him for £4mil so i supose there will be a profit. But at the moment he is awful, this happened to anyone else?:S
  3. C

    Everton Help

    I am an everton fan in my first season and need help. I have £10mil to spend and desperatly need a central defender and a goal machine to support van der vaart, any ideas.....