Recent content by dancwillis

  1. D

    FMT17 tac files

    Hi can anyone help me locate tactics which are tac file format? Or if anyone can recommend a full instructions tactic for 4231 wide I am Liverpool struggling to break in to top 4 and beat any top side with a strong sqaud!
  2. D

    Uploading tactics to football manager touch

    Hi Any idea how i can upload fmf files on my android tablet?
  3. D

    Football manager touch help

    Hi, Can anyone help me on how to inputa transfer update on android tablet for FM touch17
  4. D

    2nd half Frustration!

    does anyone else have this issue- Game doesnt start as well as you hope it may be 1-1 or 0-0 around half time and no matter what the score in the second half, but it never happens when your winning is that your team completely becomes poor, players touch is woeful, passes given away all the...